MCL 014
If you were ever a Marine honorably discharged from service, a Navy Chaplain or corpsman assigned to the Fleet Marine Force, you are welcome in our Detachment 14 - Fresno of the Marine Corps League.
We are an organization that promotes comradery, fellowship, family values and community service. Community service comprises scholarship opportunities for members and their immediate family members, support of the local Young Marine program and the injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. We also administer the local Toys for Tots program and offer recognition of new Eagle Scouts in local Boy Scouting. If being "Once a Marine, Always a Marine" appeals to you, please print the membership application, fill it out and bring it with a copy of your DD214 to our next breakfast meeting. Meetings are generally held at 0900 on the 4th Saturday of each month (with possible exceptions in April, May, November and December for holidays and special events (please see the Calendar herein) at the Clovis Veterans Memorial Building, 5th and Hughes in Old Town Clovis. Breakfast is also provided at for a nominal price. We look forward to welcoming you!
Semper Fidelis